MCC Canton Cafeteria

MCC Canton Cafeteria

Cafeteria Renovation

Massasoit Community College, Canton

This project expanded the existing kitchen area associated with the area in order to allow the installation of a new dishwasher and cold storage unit. The serving and dining areas were reorganized to both improve circulation through within the space and increase available seating.

Franklin Ray Memorial Library Study

Franklin Ray Memorial Library Study

Ray Memorial Library

Franklin MA

The Ray Memorial Library, an historic building, was originally completed in 1904. This made updating accessibility and services to the building a major concern for the design process. To make the necessary improvements while also expanding the library’s current bookstacks and making space for new programs, an addition was planned for the southwest corner of the building. The addition allowed for expansion of the library’s bookstacks, while also allowing for the addition of a meeting room and young adult room.


DMF Storage Building, New Bedford, MA

DMF Storage Building, New Bedford, MA

DMF Storage Building

New Bedford MA

This proposal for a new storage and office building for the Department of Marine Fisheries was designed to centralize equipment, personnel, and operations that are currently spread across multiple sites.

DMF Field Station, Gloucester, MA

DMF Field Station, Gloucester, MA

DMF Field Station

Gloucester MA

UMD Claire T. Carney Library, Archive Study

UMD Claire T. Carney Library, Archive Study

Claire T Carney Library, Archive Study

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Dartmouth, MA

Design consisted of an addition to the current university library that would house four special collections. Program included a new vestibule, reception area, exhibit room, reading room, storage space and faculty offices.